Thanks to Raw Egg Nationalist and Man’s World Magazine for printing this and other essays of mine.
For decades, our ruling elite have been hard at work destroying the foundations of Western Civilization.
The list of things they “own” is long, but certainly includes gutting American culture, normalizing perversion, losing wars, dumbing down education, offshoring our manufacturing base, bankrupting the treasury, adulterating our food, opening our borders, debasing the dollar, impoverishing our citizenry, indoctrinating our children, pursuing social pipe dreams, immiserating blacks, collapsing our legal institutions, mocking empirical science, and ridiculing our history.
At the same time, this ruling elite celebrates itself in the smug self-confidence that its Herculean efforts have brought us to the doorstep of a carbon-free, social-justice utopia. In reality, however, it has foisted upon America an intergenerational catastrophe of biblical proportions. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, never in human history have so few squandered so much on behalf of so many.
Normies are beginning to grasp the scope of this unfolding intergenerational catastrophe. They are also looking for somebody to blame. I submit to you that there are really only three “types” who deserve it (your blame, that is): the members of the ruling elite itself, their mandarin servants, and their jack-boot street thugs, the proles.
As I’ve written elsewhere, the ruling elite is served by an obsequious class of mandarins in high finance, big law, big tech, elected government, the administrative state, and the intelligence community. These mandarins are rank-ordered by their effectiveness in advancing and protecting the ruling elite’s entrenched power.
Invariably, the mandarin servants are unimpressive people with bland personalities and tiresome thoughts. They are masters of “failing upward” by being just bright enough to grasp the career advancement opportunities available to those who agree to parrot embarrassingly stupid leftist tropes. At the same time, they are not bright enough to formulate anything resembling a real thought or to demonstrate any real skill by which they might distinguish themselves or, you know, contribute to our civilization. They are one of the many symbols of our decadent and dying culture.
Mediocre Man is a Spineless Shill
Last week MSNBC solicited the opinions of one of these mediocrities–retired Brigadier General Steve Anderson.
Anderson is not special. He is the opposite of special. He is the perfect example of a spineless man willing to debase himself by mouthing idiotic platitudes in exchange for crumbs from his ruling elite overlords; in his case, a pension and middling social status.
Like a good drone/slave/NPC, Anderson dutifully attests to the MSNBC host the numerous “reasons” America should elect Kamala Harris. You can watch the short video here, wherein Anderson spews forth this gobbledygook:
She is an inspiration. Not only is she positive, she brings hope and optimism. But as a black woman, the product of a mixed marriage, she will inspire millions of people throughout the world. Our credibility as a nation, you know, that we would be able to allow our country is so great, that we allowed a woman like that to become the commander in chief, the president of the United States. That is going to send a powerful message all over the world. People like Vladimir Putin are going to say ‘Hey, wait a minute, these guys are truly have a democratic country, they truly are representative, they truly are fighting for all their people and Kamala Harris is a manifestation of that.
“A woman like that,” indeed. I’ll resist the urge to end the essay there. As with most dogmatic nonsense, to rebut this statement would require me to imbue it with more coherence than it inherently possesses. Doing so is not worth my effort or your time. So instead of dissecting all this sycophantic gibberish, let me make two passing observations.
First, who does Kamala Harris “inspire or bring hope or optimism to?” Her entire professional career testifies to the benefits of the well-played race card and selectively applied fellatio–just ask Montel Williams or Willie Brown. Perhaps she’s an inspiration to young lazy girls of “mixed marriages” who look forward to a career of demeaning sex work and nauseating identity politics. You too can be the President of the United States, just perform sexual favors on powerful men and remind the world that you’re Indian black. You don’t even have to earn a single primary vote!
Second, I agree that allowing “a woman like Kamala Harris to become the commander in chief” will absolutely reflect on “our credibility as a nation.” But, for anybody with a properly functioning cerebral cortex, at least some working memory, and a modicum of judgment, her election would reflect negatively on us.
Of course, Anderson must appear to believe (and may in fact believe) that electing Harris will reflect positively on American credibility. He does this by suggesting that upon Harris’ election, even Vladimir Putin will revisit his erroneous geopolitical decisions. This beggars belief.
Poor old Vlady! If only he’d known that America was the type of country that could elect a low-IQ social justice warrior despite her massive character flaws and loose morals, he wouldn’t have gone through all the trouble of invading Ukraine, or something. Just imagine, this is what passes for “thinking” by a Brigadier General in the United States Army.
At any rate, don’t hold your breath waiting for Putin to withdraw from the Donbass simply because a low-information “mixed marriage” harpie wants to be President. That’s not how the world works.
Mediocre Man is Mass Man
Worse, Anderson’s gibberish is emblematic of a much deeper problem. You see, Anderson is the typical mandarin servant. They are numerous. There are millions of this type of man. They now dominate the West. They have infested government, academia, big business, law firms, big finance, etc. They control most of the levers of power. In Anderson’s case, the United States Army (before he retired).
And since they are so numerous and so powerful, their specific character flaws add up to general disaster. They are weak, stupid, lame, soft, and undignified. They lack the physical and mental courage to defend any worthy ideal, let alone the acumen to do so. They are easily led astray by opportunities for minor advancement into the middling ranks of a faceless and dehumanizing bureaucracy, where they lord over those they perceive to be of a lesser station. They are small men; pathetic men. And they have traded their dignity, independence, and judgment for a slightly larger pension and the smug satisfaction that comes from being a cog in a wheel of incompetence. In exchange for these sad benefits, they routinely debase themselves by reciting publicly linguistic gibberish like that depicted in the video dissected above.
And worst of all, they are incompetent to perform the tasks demanded of their station. I mean that in a clinical sense, as in “they are not qualified to do what is required of them.” As a result, because these weak, stupid, and venal men wield such power, America is failing.
We lack the competence to maintain our basic infrastructure, our grand strategy is nonexistent, our government is a train wreck, our budget is a mess, our legal institutions rotten, and our intelligence community is a clown show. I could go on, but you know it all already.
Ironically, part of the reason the mediocre men hate Vladimir Putin is because weak and unserious men must hate those who remind them of their character flaws. This is not an apology for Putin. But, it won’t do to level insults at our adversary merely because he is our adversary. To do so distracts us while empowering him. Instead, we must confront the world as it is, which requires that we recognize Putin as a deadly serious man and, therefore, a deadly serious adversary.
We, by contrast are not led by serious people. Instead, we are led by men like Brig. Gen. Anderson and Kamala Harris, whose “thinking” about the world was stunted at some level between childhood and adolescence.
In a deadly serious world, men like Anderson and women like Harris are plainly inadequate. They are, at best, mediocre men (and women) in a time that requires high intelligence, mental fortitude, and courageous independence. In short, we now require superlative excellence but we’ve got world class incompetence.
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This is one of the best descriptions of the bureaucratic mediocrities who want to run our lives I’ve ever seen. Worthless nonentities.
Well said. It'd be insane for anyone to believe that electing a woman of color would make any difference at all. More likely the opposite would be the case. A lot of people thought electing our first black president would make a difference in a positive direction; instead the race hustle has only intensified. In my opinion it's because the activist class felt threatened by progress, so they redoubled their efforts to lower the bar on what constituted racism.