The Anti-Human Death Cult
My recent piece at Man's World: The ruling elite opposes noble human endeavor.
For the subscribers who joined in the past few two months, this piece has never been published “in the wild,” so to speak. Enjoy.
The sparks that ignited the 33 Raptor engines of Starship Heavy late last fall and again last month blasted to space one of the largest rockets ever built. With the successful launch, great things portend for Elon Musk and SpaceX. But something else came into focus, too. As the ground shook and the heavens parted, a single man’s vision became a symbol of the long-dormant spirit of the Americans.
Buried under the detritus of a demoralized culture, a lethargic and idiotic government, a benighted academia, an entrenched financial sector that destroys more than it creates, and a rigged legal system that impedes more than it facilitates, the spiritus Americanus is all but dead. Indeed, most Americans have no historical memory that it ever existed. They do not know that once, not so long ago, we had The Right Stuff.
And yet! Paralleling the literal sparks that hurled hundreds of tons of gleaming metal triumphantly into space are metaphorical sparks that illuminate a growing divide. The divide between life and death. On the one side is the excitement of meaningful adventure in pursuit of the good and the grand. The ambition to build, advance, create, explore, discover, colonize, learn, know, wonder, and inspire. On the other, anesthetized self-loathing and the desire to destroy, stop, impede, inhibit, abort, stultify, depress, conceal, obscure, benight, resent, and demoralize. The awesome and awe-inspiring versus the lamentable and dumb.
In a very loose sense, this is the fundamental dichotomy of our times. Two competing visions. The anti-human death cult vision offered by the radical left and, well, literally everything else that doesn’t celebrate death. And though the “everything else” is still inchoate, it is beginning to take shape. Elon Musk is emerging as one of the forms to which that shape aspires. Sure, some of his ideas are crazy; but some also work. And the ones that work are fantastic. There’s something special in his recipe: 75% industrious visionary, 25% inspirational fabulist.
Read the rest here …
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"Buried under the detritus of a demoralized culture, a lethargic and idiotic government, a benighted academia, an entrenched financial sector that destroys more than it creates, and a rigged legal system that impedes more than it facilitates, the spiritus Americanus is all but dead. Indeed, most Americans have no historical memory that it ever existed. They do not know that once, not so long ago, we had The Right Stuff.”
Sadly, best single-paragraph capture of our shattered cultural landscape jn memory.
Aspiring to the grand and noble is probably the only thing the West will leave to its remainderman.