Antisemitism as Official Policy
The Left can’t decide whether to reject the Jews because they are white or to embrace them because they aren’t.
My recent piece for the James G. Martin center.
American Jews are in a strange predicament. On the one hand, following Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, radical-left partisans learned that antisemitism is an increasingly important and effective part of their racialist ideology. On the other hand, holdovers from the Left’s tolerant but distant past are not prepared to abandon the party that has abandoned them. They still feel the need to distract the public from the inroads made by antisemitism deep within the Democratic party. They do this by pointing to the so-called epidemic of white supremacy on the right—an epidemic that is more imagined than real.
This is ironic since antisemitism is attractive to the radical Left precisely because it sees Jews as white. Growing hatred of whites by BIPOC leftists and self-loathing by white leftists form, by now, about the only shared political principle around which the Left can congregate. The only debate among the Left is whether Jews are “white.” In other words, the Left can’t decide whether to embrace antisemitism as a specific form of its now-habitual anti-whiteness or to use antisemitism to cudgel its opponents for their putative white supremacy. It can’t decide whether to reject the Jews because they are white or to embrace them because they aren’t. …
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The Left has created their own repulsive conundrum. Demonstrating their own bigotry, antisemitism, and misogyny more clearly than at any time since their fight to maintain the Jim Crow South (a series of oppressive laws entirely conceived and enacted by Democrats), they SHOULD find themselves hoist on their own petard. Instead, the “liberals” of the Democrat Party have become the most illiberal, hateful group of all in American politics.